Introduction and Benefits of Sustainable Architecture
The building sector in India is growing at a rapid pace and contributing immensely to the growth of the economy. This augurs well for the country and now there is an imminent need to introduce green concepts and techniques in this sector, which can aid growth in a sustainable manner. The green concepts and techniques in the building sector can help address national issues like water efficiency, energy efficiency, reduction in fossil fuel use for commuting, handling of consumer waste and conserving natural resources. Most importantly, these concepts can enhance occupant health, productivity and well-being.
Sustainable buildings can have tremendous benefits, both tangible and intangible. The most tangible benefits are the reduction in water and energy consumption right from day one of occupancy. The energy savings could range from 20 - 30 % and water savings around 30 - 50%. The intangible benefits of buildings include enhanced air quality, excellent day-lighting, health & well-being of the occupants, safety benefits and conservation of scarce national resources.
Really amazing thoughts on benefits of sustainable architecture. People need to adopt green technology and green products in their day to day activities. Everyone needs to use 3R (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse) products as much as possible to reduce the carbon emissions levels in the surroundings.
Delete3 R's = 3 H's (Healthy Plants, Healthy People, Healthy Earth)